

Denise did a simple three card spread for me.  I was completely shocked by what she said. I would leave my beloved hometown. At the time, the way she described how I would feel. What I would have to overcome. What kind of town I would choose and home at a low price. Denise had a complete intuitive situation mapped out for me. I must admit, I thought my girl had gone a little cray.  What Denise was describing was NOT what I wanted. Nor ever have wanted.


Well guess what? She was right…


Along the way, I have had many readings with Denise.  Man, she blows me away.  Denise gives the most comprehensive readings I have ever had.  As well as using multiple decks at a time, she explained deep meanings and psychology of the cards.  I have never had such an in-depth reading in my life.  Plus, she’s able to draw on intuitive powers.  


Be prepared to bust out your scuba gear cause it’s gonna be a deep dive explanation with Denise. She’s worth every penny. 
